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Become a Sponsor
Why Be A Sponsor?

West Africa Theological Seminary (WATS) would not exist without its people - the Faculty and the Students. Both are essential -- both are called -- both are in need of our support. You may not be able to go as a missionary, but you can maximize your impact on the Kingdom, by supporting either a faculty member or a student. They will take the Gospel to their people in ways you could not.

What Is A Sponsor?

Being a sponsor of WATS is more than just a monetary commitment. It is entering into a relationship with your student or faculty partner, sharing prayer requests, regularly praying for each other, and investing in each other's lives. Following your commitment to sponsor a WATS student or faculty member, your will receive information on how to connect and communicate with them at WATS.

How To Be A Sponsor

Pledge to sponsor all or a portion of one or more faculty member's annual salary of $4,800 ($400 per month). Our goal for this year is to sponsor 35 members.

Pledge to sponsor one or more student's annual tuition of $1,200 ($100 per month). Our goal for this year is to sponsor 150 students.

Seek ONLY to do what God will enable you to do! Earnestly pray that God will guide you to be the conduit or vessel of His provision. We ask that you trust God and obey by faith what He asks you to do. 

The Benefits Of Sponsoring

To the Student

  • 150 students will be able to begin, continue, or complete their seminary training who might otherwise not be able to do so.
  • Students and faculty will experience great encouragement from your prayer and support.

To the Seminary

  • WATS will continue to fulfill its mission of equipping Christian leaders in West Africa through:
    1. Educating to Know - Equipping to Serve - Empowering to Go
    2. Paying the retirement and other non-salary obligations of the faculty, as well as meeting payroll of support staff.

To the Sponsor

  • You will participate in the mission of equipping pastors, evangelists, missionaries, teachers, and leaders in the Kingdom of God in West Africa and beyond.
  • Your life will be blessed as you hear the stories of these leaders and the impact they are having as graduates of WATS.
    Contact Us

    Friends of WATS
    Mailing Address:

    609 E Main Street
    Duncan, SC 29334-9132

    Phone: (864) 977-8880

    About Us

    A United States 501 (c) 3 charitable organization organized and operated to support West Africa Theological Seminary through Prayer, Participation and the Raising of Funds. Select one of the four ways above for more information about how you can directly support WATS. Digital Marketing
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